5 Innovative Zoom Marketing Techniques for 2020

Michael Bogosian
4 min readJul 27, 2020

It’s no secret that Zoom is the hottest video conferencing platform out there right now in 2020. In a world where marketers are trying to figure out innovative ways to get in front of consumers Zoom can offer many creative ways to market your products and services.

Zoom marketing is actually not as complicated as it may seem. It’s just something that hasn’t been really thought of before because nobody has been forced to think creatively in this type of environment before. Consumers have turned to video conferencing as a way to connect with others as a panacea for forced social distancing. This is an opportunity for anyone willing to step out of their comfort zone and make something out of it.

Sponsoring Zoom Meetings

Sponsorship is nothing new to event-based marketing but there is a real opportunity to offer the host of a meeting a financial incentive to pitch a product or service before, during, and after a meeting. Think of the recent explosive growth in podcasts. Many of these podcasts are financed by sponsors and as a result, they’ve been able to improve the production value of their service. There is an incentive for hosts to finance their efforts in entertaining their audience.

There are creative ways one could offer samples of a product or service that can entice attendees to give your product a go. Samples are a great way for consumers to take your product or service for a test drive before they truly commit to being a customer. We highly encourage you to integrate a way of offering a sample to your attendees throughout the meeting.

Product Placement in Zoom Meetings

Everybody has seen the Omega watch or Aston Martin featured in multiple James Bond films. Imagine a host discussing a product throughout their presentation or during their turn to speak in a Zoom meeting. Callouts throughout the meeting are simple ways to prompt consumers about the use of a product or service. At the very minimum, you could wear a shirt that promotes a product or service throughout the meeting.

Background & Screen Share Billboards

At the beginning of the end of a Zoom meeting, the host can share their screen and promote a brand, product, or service to their viewers. This is a simple presentation that will garner the views of a captivated audience. The host or multiple attendees can be prompted to change their virtual background as well to reflect the brand, product, or service.

A banner should include a simple message, creative, and a call to action. We suggest a quick link submitted in the public chat at the beginning and the end of the meeting. It’s very important to have something for consumers to do after they’ve been exposed to a marketing message.

Social Sharing & Community Engagement

Zoom marketing should include prompts to share, engage with brands, products, or services. A simple call to action pointing to a request for a review, follow of a social media platform, or a comment on a post would be helpful for brand awareness and visibility. These are some simple ways to keep the audience connected with the brand and develop loyalty.

Zoom Infomercials

Infomercials are one of the oldest most effective marketing tactics. Hosting a meeting with the exclusive intent to discuss the nitty-gritty details of a product or service is a great way to promote a product or service. This is a long-form of advertising which has demonstrated meaningful results on TV, Radio, and live events.

We recommend making the Zoom meeting interactive with opportunities for consumers to ask questions, raise hands, or encourage comments in the chat for people to engage. If you can find a way to encourage the audience to interact with you, you’ll be able to bring them deeper into the sales experience.

Generating Revenue From Zoom Marketing

Marketers are very familiar with the need to have some type of hook or call to action at the end of any campaign. As a result, we suggest each marketing method you employ has some sort of full stack digital marketing strategy to drive consumers to a website that will lead to a transaction or sharing of information. Zoom is a great way to take advantage of a captive audience that is highly motivated to hear and absorb information.

Marketers that have the foresight to see this as an opportunity will find themselves generating interest in their products and services in ways they have never experienced before. Zoom Marketing is a tool to enhance your digital marketing strategy which should also include search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, social media, and content marketing.

Learn More About Zoom Marketing

If you are interested in learning more about how to employ a Zoom Marketing strategy with your product or service contact us at Blacksmith Digital. We are a full stack marketing agency that offers search engine optimization, pay-per-click, email marketing, social media, and content marketing services. Our agency breaks through the noise and thinks creatively about how to get your business in front of consumers.

